New Online Traffic Map For Metro Vancouver
Drivers in Metro Vancouver have a new, real-time traffic map to plan smarter and more efficient journeys. The traffic map is free to use and accessible online at the Drive BC and Translink web sites. The map colour-codes major highways and roads in the Metro Vancouver region according to traffic speeds. Green means traffic is moving well, orange means traffic is slow and red means traffic is very slow.
“Reducing congestion and understanding traffic flows are important to Canada’s Asia-Pacific Gateway,” said the Honourable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Transport. “The real-time traffic map will help people in their commutes and help business move goods more efficiently, while the traffic data that will be collected will make it easier to plan regional road infrastructure in the future.”
“This new traffic map will help thousands of Metro Vancouver drivers as they plan their commutes,” said Todd Stone, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “This real-time traffic tool will help people and goods move more efficiently along our major transportation networks.”
The map also allows partner agencies to study traffic flows in Metro Vancouver. This tool will help with planning to further improve regional road infrastructure and reduce congestion.
The map is based on anonymous tracking of cellphone signals using GPS technology. Movement of the cellphone signals generates the real-time traffic flow measurements, which are translated into the online map. In order to maintain privacy, any personal data from cellphones is removed before it is used in the map system.
“With a new map of real-time traffic on major roads, TransLink is proud to help make travel on our region’s roads, including our major roads network, a bit easier for everyone in Metro Vancouver,” said Doug Kelsey, TransLink chief operating officer. “And while drivers get the latest details on driving conditions, we’ve also got a great new tool to study and improve traffic flows in our region.”
Developed by TransLink, the $1.2-million project is supported through funding from Transport Canada ($490,000), the B.C. government ($335,000) and TransLink ($375,000). The map covers Highway 1 from Whistler to Chilliwack, Highway 99 from the Peace Arch Border Crossing to Whistler, and all other numbered highways and major roadways in Metro Vancouver.
DriveBC has been incorporating new features over the last two years, such as Plan Your Route, that shows the Google trip planner along with highway cameras on a chosen route. Updates are available on Twitter and Facebook and motorists can register for text messages and email to receive up-to-date DriveBC information.