10th October 2012

MyMusic.com Launches New Website and Service

mymusicCombining the passion for music with the power of the Internet, MyMusic.com, the online destination for all things music, has announced the launch of its new service. Rather than endlessly searching multiple sites across the Web for bits of content, music lovers now have one place where all the greatest content is delivered to them. MyMusic gives people a fresh way to express their music personalities.


After several months in beta, MyMusic emerges with a sleek look and added functionality. Most notably, people can now create, browse and share beautifully-designed online music magazines. MyMusic’s social magazines can be crafted with live content, such as up-to-the-minute music news, artists’ tweets, videos and more. Music lovers also have the option to create a social magazine with specific content – like a brilliant snapshot of their favorite music. The introduction of MyMusic’s social music magazines lets people pull in content from across the Web and share it either directly on the website or through a preferred online social network, like Facebook or Twitter.

“People don’t just listen to music – they connect with it,” said Rob Lane, co-founder and chief executive officer of MyMusic. “MyMusic is the missing link between how people experience music offline and integrate that into their online music identities. We merge the best music content from across the Web onto our site, giving fans something fun and simple they will want to keep using.”

As an added complement to the new site, MyMusic’s enhanced functionalities include more listening options from some of the top music streaming services. The site will also feature more tailored content and suggestions powered by a unique customization engine.

A powerful tool for personalized content discovery and sharing, MyMusic offers artists and labels a new way to grow their audiences. Artists can now customize their own MyMusic magazines to share with their fans and feature information like upcoming local concert information, music videos, blog posts, tweets and more. When fans search for an artist they can discover both official MyMusic artist magazines as well as those created by the MyMusic community.

“People are asking for a more comprehensive online music experience, and MyMusic is a unique service aimed to deliver just that,” said Randy Lennox, president and chief executive officer of Universal Canada. “It’s thrilling to see a company like MyMusic have the potential to so deeply impact how people listen, discover and share music online.”

In October MyMusic will kick off a giveaway with Justin Bieber, and has other promotions in the works with British recording star Ed Sheeran and Grammy Award-winning artist Norah Jones. The company is planning more contests, giveaways and other promotions for its community to engage with their favorite artists over the coming months and beyond.

With MyMusic, people can search for their favorite artist, listen to music, watch videos, purchase concert tickets and digital music, explore the latest news, read an artist’s tweets and more – all in a personalized channel catered specifically to them.

MyMusic is free to join and open to music lovers everywhere.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 10th, 2012 at 6:46 am and is filed under Digital Products, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  1. Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer)
    11:56 pm on October 9th, 2012

    .@mymusicdotcom Launches New Website and Service http://t.co/fK49sf8l

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