amaRocks Launches Mobile Bite Size Lesson Courses
Are you tired of those tedious long-day training on how to handle difficult customers or how to be a team leader, etcetera? Think instead of easily-digestible chunks, short, practical, targeted just-in-time relevant interactive learning.
There are not many learners who can fully commit to the course they have so expensively been sent on because learners are being anxious about being away from the office, projects left unfinished, teams left unsupervised and families far away.
People’s attention spans are limited, longer courses can lose their effectiveness as training fatigue sets in. If people have a whole day’s training of eight hours covering several topics. By the time they reached the end, they are tired, they got an information overload. If, instead, people chose to dedicate a separate, short lesson to each of those different topics, each time courses meet the need of learners, their level of attention will be extremely high.
Imagine people can learn while they ride the train, review lessons while waiting at doctor’s office, write an assignment in the coffee shop or between meetings, access video tutorials while enjoying lunch or review assignment with teacher while standing in line.
Any free time people have can be their own private classroom, library, or study hall and literally have access to an entire world of learning opportunities to advance their career and life.
Enter the concept of “Mobile Bite Size Lessons“, a truly mobile anytime, anywhere, anydevice just-in-time collaborative, informal learning that fits learners schedule and the chance to learn more effectively over a much shorter period, removing the need for travel, reducing costly down-time away from work and bringing a tightly-focused approach to business skills development.
In 21st century, businesses are driven by what does the business need in the short and medium term and what is required to fulfill the task at hand now.
Bite Size Lesson’s Just-in-time mobile learning ability to streamline and train workforce in a near automated fashion enables learners to save time and become more efficient by finding exactly the information they need, just when they need it, where they need it and how they need it without the need to schedule a class or classroom. When an employee needs to learn a new function or task, all they have to do is log in to the system and start learning.
Bite Size Lesson’s structure keeps people fresh, and give you the ability to focus on detail overview of the salient points. One of the great things about it is the flexibility and training primarily focuses on business skills, rather than technical skills, the lessons were useful in any size company where each person has a distinct and separate need.
The key to Bite Size Lesson autonomous learning is the ability to train individuals or groups of employees in multiple areas on a fully automated basis. Because grading the tests and learning stats are automated as well, a manager can simply assign a new employee the lessons they need to learn and have the test scores and learning stats are emailed as soon as the course is completed.
Bite Size Lesson’s just-in-time training courses focused on learning that is intended to grow the learner over time, expand the knowledge base in a given area and also to a specific skill (s) development that can be applied to the job right away with practical tools, and help each leaner identify immediate action items that provide value to learner and improved efficiency. The courses not only simple and easy learn, they continue to follow up after the course is ended and continue to learn.
Integrated with browser based mobile technology, bite size lesson courses has the coherent learning BLOCKS – M-CourseVIDEOS, M-CourseCONTENT, M-CourseBLOG, M-CourseTEST , M-CourseREVIEW questions and M-CourseSTATS where learners can connect the linking thread, and have the time and space to reflect with guided social learning via M-CourseBLOG – Comment, Video and Audio to apply what has been learned or experienced or challenges in a day-to-day work.
Use the smart phones as gateway to access documents and experts, Job aids, checklist, reminders, reference, how-to videos, assignments. quiz, survey, evaluation, decision support, simulations, procedures, audio video recording, note taking, photo sharing, feedback, discussions, commenting and coaching with M-LearnOntheGO platform. The Mobile course platform automatically detects the type of mobile device and browser and serves up pages that are dynamically scaled to available screen real estate.
4:41 am on May 8th, 2012
amaRocks Launches Mobile Bite Size Lesson Courses