28th February 2012

Astral Out-of-Home Adopts NFC Technology

astral mediaAstral Out-of-Home, a division of Astral Media Inc., innovates once again by announcing the adoption of Near Field Communication technology for its street furniture in Toronto and Montréal. The technology provides consumers with a totally new experience by allowing them to interact directly with advertising faces via their smartphone to get all kinds of information instantly and securely.

This new feature, developed with the partnership of Gauge Mobile, consolidates the position of Astral Out-of-Home as an innovative leader in outdoor advertising in Canada. Using NFC cutting-edge technology will give smartphone users the opportunity to watch the trailer of an upcoming movie, get a discount coupon for a boutique or restaurant, visit the virtual showroom of a car dealership and much more just by touching the chip on NFC-enabled faces with their smartphones.

“Consumers are very active and increasingly demanding, and our NFC-enabled street furniture will allow them to quickly get relevant information about products that they like,” said Debbie Drutz, Director, Media Innovation, Astral Out-of-Home. “For its part, the advertising community will have at its disposal the most advanced technology to prolong its interaction with consumers.”

NFC technology is currently compatible with several smartphone brands, including BlackBerry, Samsung, Nokia and HTC models with others to follow. It will be integrated into bus shelters in Toronto, and Columns and MegaColumns in Montréal.

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