Alberta Publishing Releases Ice Pilots Book – Buffalo Airways
In the wake of world-wide attention generated by the Omni Film Productions creation, Ice Pilots NWT©, Alberta Publishing has announced the release of a new publication, “Buffalo Airways – Diamonds, DC-3s and ‘Buffalo Joe’ McBryan” by critically-acclaimed aviation author and military historian, Darrell Knight.
In this rollicking, no-holds-barred account of flying at its best, the author provides a personal account of the long road to becoming a commercial pilot in Canada’s north. Detailed in the text is an eye-witness account of a long list of difficulties experienced by young, newly-endorsed flyers who go north to break into the airline business, the extreme and unforgiving nature of operating vintage World War II-era aircraft in Canada’s Arctic, and the day-to-day difficulties attendant with working for Buffalo Airways under the watchful eye of legendary northern aviator and President of Buffalo Airways, the enigmatic ‘Buffalo Joe’ McBryan.
Included is a brief history of the founding of the airline, the logistics and equipment made necessary for flying passengers and freight to isolated regions – often, with no support infrastructure provided en route or at destination – and a colorful cast of crew members and outstanding characters who contributed to the early successes and isolated failures experienced by this controversial, world-famous DC-3 operator. Many grey-scale photographs included of antique aircraft in daily operation, flight crew and support personnel, and the rugged terrain and “ice strip” airfields of the far north.
Buy the Book:
Lulu Books – $24.95 – paper edition
Amazon Kindle Edition – $3.99
Apple iBook Store – $3.99