• Village Gamer

  • NYC Geek-Nerd-Dork Festival Looking For Short Film Submissions

25th October 2013

NYC Geek-Nerd-Dork Festival Looking For Short Film Submissions

movie orbyNew York’s Cieri Media is launching a new festival aimed at showcasing the geekiest shorts they can find. The Ge/Ne/rk Fest NYC, which stands for Geek/Nerd/Dork Festival, is looking for submissions – I couldn’t find anything on their site that says “USA-made films only” so I am going on the presumption that it’s open to global submissions. The festival will accept submissions of short films, up to approximately 25 minutes in length, in the categories of Comedy, Sci-Fi, Horror/Thriller, Fantasy, and Animation/Anime.

Festival organizers describe their ideal submissions as “…true B-movies – the stupidly funny, the I-grabbed-some-homemade-costumes-and-made-this-just-for-fun, and the movies that were meant for midnight screenings and all-night movie marathons.”

The organizers also boast that “…if you think that “Weasels Rip My Flesh” was awesome, that the best part of “Evil Dead” was when the trees attack, that Monty Python was genius, can’t decide whether you like Tim Curry best in “Rocky Horror”, “Legend”, or “Clue”, and can spend hours debating the parameters of the space-time continuum based solely on its portrayal in the “Back to the Future” Trilogy – THIS is the festival for you.” They have also launched the Generk site as a community project aimed at giving their fans and contributors a place to chat, suggest other activities to include in the festival, and get in touch with other geeks with similar interests.

Submissions are currently open and being accepted at both WithoutABox and at Generk.

The Ge/Ne/rk Fest is scheduled to makes its final programming choices in mid-March 2014 and run during the weekend of April 25-27th 2014. During the course of the festival, the audience will be involved in choosing which films will take home the coveted 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Audience Choice Best of the Fest Awards.

Opportunities to sponsor the festival and/or its prizes are available. Please contact Dennis at info(dot)generk(dot)com to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

This entry was posted on Friday, October 25th, 2013 at 9:40 am and is filed under Events, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  1. Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer)
    2:41 am on October 25th, 2013

    #NYC @GeNerkFest Is Looking For Short Film Submissions http://t.co/I5mVgyKLb9 #eyeoncanada #wecreatebc

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