IFTech Launches Kickstarter Campaign For ARAIG Gaming Device

Twenty-three year old IFTech entrepreneur Brodie Stanfield is betting on crowdfunding for an edge to take on the establishment. He has initiated a thirty day funding campaign for his company on Kickstarter, where he hopes to obtain funding for his project ARAIG. Attempts at funding have been made through the normal investor channels, but IFTech has been stymied by an unwillingness of investors to take the risk and back an idea which competes against billion dollar companies like Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo. This makes it hard for the little guys to compete againstthose large corporations who have both financial resources and brand recognition on their side.
IFTech is working on a new product called ARAIG which stands for ‘As Real As It Gets.’ ARAIG is a fourth dimension sensory simulation device, a suit worn by the player that totally immerses the gamer into the reality of their gaming world. ARAIG is considered a peripheral device that utilizes haptics to stimulate senses on the body. The immersive qualities of this product provides players with greater in game autonomy and competence via greater immersive sensation and virtual world awareness. ARAIG stimulates the senses and provides physics to the body while allowing total mobility for the user. This stimulation leads to greater enjoyment of playing video games.
“Crowdfunding platforms have truly become one of the greatest methods for entrepreneurs to get their ideas to market,” stated Brodie Stanfield, IFTech president and co-creator ARAIG. “They allow the entrepreneur to maintain control of the vision, innovation and business; something that was truly unheard of in previous approaches to raise capital. They allow for nearly instant feedback on the the viability of the product before the development cycle even begins; giving entrepreneurs the opportunity to focus only on ideas that the market finds relevant. At IFTech we feel ARAIG is the next level of gaming; and to determine if it should become a reality we leave it in the hands of the most important individuals in the video game market, the gamers themselves.”
IFTech initiated its crowd funding campaign using the Kickstarter platform on May 31st at 12:02 EDT. This is the first time ARAIG has been disclosed in public. Kickstarter campaigns operate under an “all-or-nothing” funding model so if the ARAIG project doesn’t reach its funding goal at the end of thirty days then it might be years before you’ll see it on the market. To follow their project, be sure to find them on Facebook, Twitter and spread the word to your social media networks. Mr. Stanfield is hoping that supporters will consider donating as little as $5 to help the project come to life. If you decide to donate more, you might be among the first in the world to experience Total Immersion.
ARAIG will compete for consumer dollars in the video gaming market going up against heavy hitters such as Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo. Should crowdfunding provide IFTech’s needed cash; the battle against Goliath is on.
5:09 am on June 2nd, 2013
IFTech Launches Kickstarter Campaign For @ARAIG_ Gaming Device http://t.co/f6IlMYX5h9
1:32 pm on June 2nd, 2013
RT @VillageGamer: IFTech Launches Kickstarter Campaign For @ARAIG_ Gaming Device http://t.co/f6IlMYX5h9