27th December 2012

IGDA Names Kate Edwards Executive Director

igdaThe International Game Developers Association (IGDA), the world’s largest organization serving individuals who create games, has named Kate Edwards Executive Director. Edwards brings more than 16 years’ experience in the game industry as a culturalization strategist to the position.

Edwards has applied her expertise to many game titles, including Halo, Age of Empires, Fable, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Modern Warfare 3 and Dance Central. As Microsoft’s geopolitical strategist in the internal team she created (’92-’05) and as a consultant in her company Englobe (’05 – present), she pioneered the field of “culturalization” to identify geopolitical and cultural risks and opportunities in digital content.Kate Edwards

“Kate’s knowledge of the global game industry and local cultures make her ideal to lead the IGDA,” said Dustin Clingman, Chair, IGDA. “Her long service to our organization and commitment to the global development community will lay a foundation for ongoing international growth.”

In her new role, Edwards will work closely with the elected board of directors to further the IGDA’s goals — empowering game developers to advance their careers and, in turn, enhance their quality of life.

“Game development is an artistic endeavor with mass appeal,” Edwards said. “Developers and fans alike are increasingly aware of the diversity of those who both create and play games. Today, we’re engaged in creating great games for a global audience, and the IGDA remains the relevant focal point for supporting developers in the broadest sense of the definition. I’m thrilled to be given the privilege to lead and nurture this awesome community.”

Edwards has been a member of the IGDA since 2004, founding and chairing its Localization Special Interest Group, which led to her co-organizing Game Developer Conference’s Localization Summit.

Beyond games, Edwards has handled a broad range of issues regarding global-facing content, from online mapping and government relations to marketing and distribution in local markets.  Edwards will remain based in Seattle.

This entry was posted on Thursday, December 27th, 2012 at 10:13 am and is filed under Associations, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  1. Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer)
    2:16 am on December 27th, 2012

    .@igda Names Kate Edwards Executive Director http://t.co/lJHLOonR

  2. Sasha Boersma (@sashaboersma)
    6:21 am on December 27th, 2012

    RT @VillageGamer: .@igda Names Kate Edwards Executive Director http://t.co/lJHLOonR

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