Vancouver Animation School Launches Vanas Labs
Vancouver Animation School, a leading Canadian educational institution offering entry level and advanced programs for the animation, film and game industries, announced a new program that bridges the gap between virtual learning and hand-on practice. The new Vanas Labs program reverses the online classroom model, providing students with a convenient online classroom experience partnered with on-site hands-on workshops where they can perfect their craft.
“The new Vanas Labs program provides students with the ultimate educational experience,” said Mario Pochat, animator and founder of the Vancouver Animation School. “They enjoy the convenience of virtual classrooms with industry teachers but they also receive the benefit of on-site hands-on practice sessions with their industry coaches.”
According to Pochat, it’s a bold new approach to education that has not been used before in animation schools.
“It really addresses the issue with many schools,” Pochat said. “Students take classes at the campus and then go home to do homework alone. That is when they have all of their questions and there’s nobody to ask. Vanas Labs is the opposite – they take classes online and do homework onsite with a coach that will guide them through the assignment. Vanas Labs should definitely help set us apart as the leading online educational institution for animation, film and game industries.”
Vancouver Animation School has been constantly evolving the online educational experience since opening its doors just two years ago. The launch of Vanas Labs by founder Patrick Suberville is designed to engage students with an entrepreneurial and experimental attitude.
“It is designed to help students stay more focused; become more engaged in their education; and over all learn more in their programs,” Suberville said. “It really is pushing the envelope in the concept of online education that is very beneficial for the students.”
Vancouver Animation School recently was honored with the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) CIRA Impact Award for eLearning in 2012. More than 800 businesses and educational institutions were nominated for the award. The new Vanas Labs program has been certified by the Canadian government as well as the Province of British Columbia. For more information about the innovative Vanas Labs program that blends convenient online learning classes with on-site hands-on practice workshops, please check out the Vancouver Animation School website.