• Village Gamer

  • i-CANADA Governors Council Decision Forum Announcement

17th September 2012

i-CANADA Governors Council Decision Forum Announcement

CATAA very respected international leader, Conor Lenihan, will be joining the i-CANADA Governors Council meeting in Montreal at the i-CANADA Summit Conference. Mr. Lenihan was the former Minister of Science and of Education of Ireland, he was a private sector executive in the telecommunications industry and he is now the Vice President for International Business for Skolkovo, Russia’s new Innovation City.

“The Russians are investing heavily in Skolkovo – and in fact in Intelligent Communities in general – so this is seen as an ideal opportunity for i-CANADA Governors to gain insights into their programs,” said Bill Hutchison, Chair of i-CANADA. I-CANADA is working with some 50 Canadian communities to transform them into Intelligent Communities, with the sustainable employment, fast innovation and resilient social structures that come from this designation.

The i-CANADA Governors Council meeting in Montreal on Sunday, October 21, 2012, will be asking for support on a momentous issue. According to Mr. Hutchison, “seldom has the country needed its guidance more”:

  • Canada continues to fall further behind the rest of the world with respect to our communications networks and related services. We have fallen nine spots in one year in the global ranking of internet speeds, now ranking 14th behind Romania and others, according to the recent Akamai data report.
  • This has been accompanied by a continuing decline in innovation — our innovation rate is now second to last by population among 17 countries studied for the 2012 Conference Board Report on Canada.
  • We have nothing on the horizon to match Google’s announcement of the performance and pricing of its new gigabit community service in Kansas City: its first “gigabit community”. Google’s Access General Manager Kevin Lo, specified clearly that Google recognizes broadband speed is directly connected to economic growth: “The last time we doubled the speed of broadband a whole new market evolved and spurred tremendous growth in the Internet.”

The motion that will be in front on our Governors Council, is this:

“The Governors Council of i-CANADA calls for the formation of a National Coalition in partnership with federal and provincial governments to support Canada’s urgent return to the global leadership position we once enjoyed in the coverage and cost/performance of our communications infrastructure.”

To support this initiative, the Governors Council will be expanding to 100 private and public sector leaders to include representative leaders from all sectors of Canadian society and geography.

“The result we are hoping for, at the end of the work of the ‘Council of One Hundred’, is the transformation of Canada through a world class national communications framework and infrastructure that will provide a platform to support the many communities now working together to achieve i-Nation status thereby reversing Canada’s comparative global decline in innovation, productivity and broadband communications,” said Mr. Hutchison.

“Members of the i-CANADA Governors Council collectively cover a wide sector of Canadian society and by expanding the Council we will be well positioned to identify and support the necessary strategies around Smart/Intelligent communities that will support Canada’s social and economic transformation,” he added.

Comprising provincial Premiers, Mayors, and a broad cross section of other leaders, the i-CANADA Governors Council are the ones who are well positioned to accept this mission and vision: Achievement of the economic development, job growth and social prosperity now enjoyed in the world’s leading Intelligent Communities or Smart Cities.

The i-CANADA Summit is a concentrated one-day event for i-CANADA supporters, Advisory Board Members and members of the Governor’s Council, in which Governor Council Chair, Premier Alward of New Brunswick, will be joined by Mayors, CEOs and sector leaders to plot the course of Canada’s plans for “new economy” growth.

This entry was posted on Monday, September 17th, 2012 at 11:08 am and is filed under Associations, Events, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  1. Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer)
    4:09 am on September 17th, 2012

    via @CATAAlliance – i-CANADA Governors Council Decision Forum Announcement http://t.co/b8pslLFu

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