• Village Gamer

  • TeamUp Unveils Collaborative 3D Rendering Powered by Multi-Optics at SIGGRAPH 2012

8th August 2012

TeamUp Unveils Collaborative 3D Rendering Powered by Multi-Optics at SIGGRAPH 2012

teamupTeamUp, a newly formed Montreal company built on the guiding principle that 3D should be accessible to everyone, everywhere—today announced its Multi-Optics™ renderer and real-time 3D collaboration. The TeamUp platform is completely Cloud-powered, so customers have access to the fastest machines available and do not have to download, install, license or setup anything before working with 3D content.

TeamUp is showing its BETA version at the AMD booth (Booth #709) at SIGGRAPH 2012 in Los Angeles, August 7-9. In addition, TeamUp will be making a presentation as part of Birds of a Feather on August 8th 4 – 5pm at the JW Marriott Los Angeles LA Live Golden Ballroom Salon 3.TeamUp screenshot

Thiago Costa, co-founder of TeamUP, and founder of the critically acclaimed physics platform, Lagoa Multi-Physics, said, “We decided early on that TeamUp would offer a fundamentally collaborative experience. Creating content is already a collaboration between several parties, but the tools and workflows are all tied to desktops, render farms and so on. Sharing projects in a group effort requires a huge overhead in the creation process,” said Costa. “3D rendering is traditionally the slowest and most complex process. The back and forth with clients and peers can become tedious and costs a lot of time through miscommunications and scheduling consensus.  We built TeamUp to truly improve this experience, so creative teams and their clients can see the same render live, edit and make decisions in real-time on multiple devices, and arrive at the look they want for any 3D asset.”

Arno Zinke, TeamUp co-founder and the scientist behind the Multi-Physics technology explained, “One of our techniques to achieve such high quality results is to take physical objects and measure their many optical properties to come up with an accurate representation. This way we can make hair, sand, cloth, mTeamUp screenshot etals, volumetrics, and many complex materials look real,” said Zinke.  “Besides providing a constantly growing library of materials, users can also create their own materials from these fundamental properties.”

Dov Amihod, TeamUp chief technology officer adds, “Providing such a high quality rendering and collaboration platform to such a large audience is quite exciting, and we’re one of the only companies offering this kind of approach,” said Amihod. “I can’t wait to see what our customers will come up with,” Added Amihod.

TeamUp is currently in BETA on all standard OS platforms and Apple iPad OS. TeamUp is expected to be available in autumn 2012 as a Cloud-based, monthly-paid service subscription. Visit the TeamUp website to sign up for the beta.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 8th, 2012 at 6:06 am and is filed under Events, National News, Software. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  1. Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer)
    11:10 pm on August 7th, 2012

    TeamUp Unveils Collaborative 3D Rendering Powered by Multi-Optics at #SIGGRAPH 2012 @GetTeamUp http://t.co/tLD8GdXY

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