• Village Gamer

  • Uniserve Announces Sponsorship of Vancouver Startup Weekend

25th July 2012

Uniserve Announces Sponsorship of Vancouver Startup Weekend

uniserveUniserve Communications Corporation has announced their title sponsorship for the Vancouver Startup Weekend taking place this August 17th-19th. As the title sponsor each team involved in Vancouver Startup Weekend will be building their startup using the Uniserve Cloud platform. In addition, Uniserve will be providing the winning team free Cloud Services in an effort to help the winning team get started and running smoothly.

“Startup Weekend is about entrepreneurs coming to life. We provide an unprecedented level of networking, team building, learning, and life changes for its attendees and their communities,” says Jesse Heaslip, Startup Weekend Event Lead. “We are very excited to have Uniserve as our preferred Cloud platform and are looking forward to a very successful event.”

Uniserve has been working alongside the Vancouver startup community by sponsoring multiple events including Lean Crossroads and many other Vancouver meetups and events. Through these events and other partnerships, Uniserve has been offering a helping hand to startups by providing UCloud Dollars (free Cloud Services) to help these companies get started.

“We love being involved and supporting the development community here in Vancouver and across Canada,” says Mike Schmidt, CEO of Uniserve. “We know that the explosive growth of the tech community is coming from developers in the Cloud. We are excited to be a part of it.”

This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 25th, 2012 at 10:53 am and is filed under Careers, Events, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  1. Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer)
    3:53 am on July 25th, 2012

    .@UniserveCanada Announces Sponsorship of #Vancouver @VanStartup Weekend http://t.co/AUhnkFSJ

  2. Uniserve Canada (@UniserveCanada)
    9:04 am on July 25th, 2012

    RT @VillageGamer: .@UniserveCanada Announces Sponsorship of #Vancouver @VanStartup Weekend http://t.co/AUhnkFSJ

  3. TradableBits (@tradablebits)
    11:10 am on July 25th, 2012

    RT @VillageGamer: .@UniserveCanada Announces Sponsorship of #Vancouver @VanStartup Weekend http://t.co/AUhnkFSJ

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