• Village Gamer

  • Sweet IQ and Cossette Enter Into Strategic Partnership

23rd July 2012

Sweet IQ and Cossette Enter Into Strategic Partnership

sweet IQLocation-based marketing platform, Sweet IQ (formerly Get Me Listed), announced today that it has signed a strategic partnership agreement with marketing communications agency Cossette, who will be integrating Sweet IQ’s innovative solutions into its offer through its new startup incubator.

Cossette began the incubation program to foster creativity and new ideas, which will help their clients. “The incubation of startups is a main strategy to create partnerships that will accelerate innovation for Cossette. At Procter & Gamble – one of the best marketing companies in the world – new product partnerships for new products account for 50% of new products, which helped P&G double revenues in 7 years. With the incubator, we could develop and integrate new ideas that will improve agility and add new capacity, which means business for clients!” stated Pierre Delagrave, PresidentMedia at Vision7 International and Head of the Cossette Innovation Leadership Group.

Michael Mire, CEO and co-founder of Sweet IQ, reports that, “The relationship is bilateral in nature, Sweet IQ provides Cossette domain-specific expertise for location-based marketing to help their clients leverage the many location-based marketing opportunities that exist. Cossette, in turn, gives us access to companies who need these services”.

Delagrave, expounding on why Sweet IQ was chosen, explains the present goal of the communications sector: “Today, the name of the game is to get the communications (with the consumer) closer to the transaction. In the retail business, it means to get the customers closer, or the store closer to the consumer. The neat thing with Sweet IQ is that the platform includes basic information that is combined with social media, adding a level of pertinence.”

This entry was posted on Monday, July 23rd, 2012 at 10:21 am and is filed under Business News, National News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
  1. Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer)
    3:23 am on July 23rd, 2012

    .@MySweetiQ and @COSSETTEen @COSSETTEfr Enter Into Strategic Partnership http://t.co/2IyuVo4a

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