Version 3.0.1 of FileCatalyst Direct To Be Released At NAB Show
Unlimi-Tech Software will be showcasing its suite of accelerated file transfer solutions in their booth, SL11120, at the NAB show, held in Las Vegas from April 16th to April 19th. The lineup presented at the show includes FileCatalyst Direct, FileCatalyst Workflow and FileCatalyst Central.
FileCatalyst Direct is a point-to-point file transfer solution for managed and accelerated file transfers. FileCatalyst Direct v3.0.1 will be released during the NAB show, and includes several new enhancements including: the ability to transfer files at a blazing 10 Gbps even with high latency connections; new mobile applications for the iPad and iPhone; and APIs for both iOS and Android platforms.
In addition, FileCatalyst Direct is tightly integrated with Amazon cloud computing service EC2 and S3. Previously, Media and Entertainment companies wishing to store data on the Amazon cloud were hampered by slow transfer speeds. FileCatalyst Direct allows line speed transfers to and from the Amazon cloud, with both per hour and per Gigabyte billing.
FileCatalyst Workflow provides a web-based file transfer and submission portal with full tracking capabilities. A new REST API opens up more flexible administration and integration options. Users may now send files directly to other users or groups, eliminating the need to specify recipient email addresses. The addition of a personal address book and improved end-user interface make the application easier to use than ever.
FileCatalyst Central is a web application that provides an overview of your entire FileCatalyst deployment. View ongoing transfers in realtime, drill into transaction histories, and check or clear alarms. From one central management console, you can inspect connected nodes and remotely control FileCatalyst Server and FileCatalyst HotFolder instances.
“The new enhancements we are debuting at this year’s NAB set us apart from competing software,” says Chris Bailey, CEO at Unlimi-Tech. “We provide a much faster file transfer technology than our competitors, and we have more integration options.”
Leading media and entertainment companies rely on FileCatalyst to move digital content both domestically and internationally. VHN-TV, a leading Vietnamese-language television station and part of the DirecTV international channel package, has chosen FileCatalyst Direct for accelerated file transfer.
FileCatalyst was chosen for its performance, integration options, and positive impact on the station’s bottom line. “FileCatalyst is an indispensable, integrated software solution for true high speed data transfer over IP,” says T-Spect Le, Chief Technology Officer, VHN-TV. “FileCatalyst saves the company thousands of dollars over traditional dedicated point to point video circuit. Their easy-to-use interface, wide variety of file transfer options and customizations make it virtually effortless on my part.”