Lightning Fast Decimator D3 Spectrum Analyzer From SED Systems
SED Systems of Saskatoon has introduced the third generation of its popular Decimator family of spectrum analyzer products. The Decimator D3 provides market-leading performance at a low price. It includes sophisticated functions, such as carrier monitoring and cross-pol isolation testing.
D3 covers a range of 5 MHz to 3 GHz, making it ideal for satellite, cable, and terrestrial wireless networks. Incorporating leading edge technology, D3 offers exceptionally fast measurement rates up to 10 measurements per second, providing the flexibility for use in many different applications. D3 also provides access for multiple simultaneous users.
For satellite networks:
· Monitor uplink or downlink carriers at L-band or 70/140 MHz, or 10 MHz reference signals
· Ideal for automated or manual carrier / spectrum monitoring in a teleport or earth station, or integrated into a satcom terminal
For cable networks:
· Monitor upstream or downstream carriers
· Ideal for monitoring RF in the headend, hub or elsewhere in the cable network
For terrestrial wireless networks:
· Monitor forward or return path carriers
· Ideal for remote RF monitoring at a cell tower, preventing a costly truck roll
The powerful and intuitive browser-based Graphical User Interface provides all of the features you would expect from a high-end spectrum analyzer, plus others you wouldn’t expect. Users can display, compare, store, report and export multiple traces. Preset configurations can be saved and recalled later for ease of measurement. The GUI also includes sophisticated functions, such as Carrier Monitoring with email and SNMP notifications, as well as a Cross-Pol Isolation testing function that is ideal for VSAT terminal commissioning. All this is available using any web browser. No additional software is required. Decimator can be accessed from any network-connected location – either locally or remotely. An API is available for integrated / OEM applications.
Decimator D3 is available in three form factors:
· Decimator D3 card – a small (4”x7”) PCIe card that can be installed in a computer or easily integrated into any small enclosure or chassis and powered from +12/+5 Vdc.
· 4/8-Port Decimator D3 – a 1U rack-mount unit with an integrated 8-port RF switch. The 8-Port Decimator enables low-cost spectrum measurement and analysis in a convenient form factor for installation in an equipment rack and connection to multiple feeds. This unit is ideal for remote carrier monitoring applications and cross-pol isolation testing for VSAT terminals. It is also available in a 4-port configuration for those applications requiring fewer ports.
· Portable Decimator D3 – a handheld enclosure that is ideal for field technicians who require a highly portable unit that can be used in conjunction with any laptop computer.
Custom designed versions of the Decimator, supporting other frequency bands or form factors, are available should customers wish to integrate the Decimator into their equipment and systems.