• Village Gamer

  • Route1 Receives Allowance of MobiNET Platform Canadian Patent Application

5th January 2012

Route1 Receives Allowance of MobiNET Platform Canadian Patent Application

route1Security and identity management company Route1 Inc. has announced that the Canadian Patent Office has allowed Route1’s patent application titled, “System and Method for Accessing Host Computer Via Remote Computer.” Route1 Inc. expects its Canadian patent to issue in 2012.

The Route1 patent application claims a method of enabling communication between a host and a remote using a controller, wherein the controller participates in establishing a communication channel between the host and the remote, and then the host and the remote communicate directly with each other without the controller.

The claims also cover the remote using a controller to enable communication with a host, as above, and a host using a controller to enable communication with a remote, as above.

The Canadian patent application was originally filed on February 26, 2007, claiming priority from a corresponding U.S. patent application (now U.S. Patent No. 7,814,216), filed on September 7, 2004.

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