• Village Gamer

  • Parta Dialogue Claims to Have Cracked the Social Media ROI Code

23rd November 2011

Parta Dialogue Claims to Have Cracked the Social Media ROI Code

parta dialoguePARTA Dialogue Inc.,a company that specializes in Social Media Campaign Optimization, is proud to announce the release of groundbreaking research it claims as the first step towards a universal method for calculating the return on investment of corporate social media campaigns.

In a just-released white paper entitled ‘Engagement IS Efficiency,’ Parta CEO Paul Allard and VP Tom Liacas explain the mechanical relationship between campaign engagement levels and the ultimate cost-efficiency of social media projects. With ‘engagement’ identified as the key variable for any future efficiency and ROI calculations, Allard and Liacas are proposing nothing less than a new industry standard for social media performance evaluation. “Having worked with large-scale corporate social media projects since 2007, we knew that engagement was the magic ingredient of a cost-effective campaign. Now, we have the math to prove it,” states Allard.

Building on the research presented in this white paper, Parta Dialogue is rapidly moving to deploy a cloud computing application that will calculate the relative efficiency of corporate social media campaigns by processing client data directly from social media accounts via customized APIs and applying Parta’s proprietary algorithms. BETA release for this application is slated for early 2012.

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