Canada New Media Fund Winners
Vancouver – Thank you to Adrian Crook for reminding me about the announcement last week from Telefilm and the Canada New Media Fund naming the successful programme applicants. This announcement happened while I was away at Casual Connect, and while I’m a tad late in publishing this, a little extra promotion never hurt anyone – especially when the news is good – plus I wanted to take the time to look up each company and provide links to their sites so that readers can easily visit them – with the exception of the few I could not easily find sites for, which is not good for those who wish to grow their corporate presence.
With such a wide range of projects receiving funding, this programme once again puts the spotlight on our Canadian talent and innovation in digital media. According to the CNMF press release, “independent websites and applications designed for mobile devices (iPhones and PDA’s) received the majority of support in the Western region; console or handheld-console games and independent websites fared very well in Ontario & Nunavut; regional funding in Quebec focused on console or handheld-console games and independent websites; and in the Atlantic region console or handheld-console games and applications for mobile devices received the most support.
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