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  • Pygmies of Pocket God Discover New Fungus On Facebook

16th May 2011

Pygmies of Pocket God Discover New Fungus On Facebook

frima studioFrima Studios and Bolt Creative want you to be aware that the Pygmies of Pocket God on Facebook have discovered explosive mushrooms in Episode VII: Supersize PygMe. The latest expansion for the Pocket God world introduces an all new plant power, the magic mushroom, which helps get rid of that stunted growth gene the poor Pygmies have had to endure for so long, and the update also gives players the chance to purchase real-life goods for themselves and earn Facebook Credits in the process.

Since its debut in December 2010, the Facebook version of Pocket God has grown exponentially and is attracting more players every month. More than 55 million loyal, unquestioning Pygmies have met their demise over that time—that’s approximately the number of tonnes notable asteroid YU55 weighs (talk about clever names). pocket god mushroomsAnother two million sacrifices can be attributed to friends on Facebook sacrificing other friends in a host of brutal and irreverent ways, including electrocution, shark attack, venus fly traps, tornadoes, tar pits, and more!

The new updates for Supersize PygMe include:

• Fungus is Cool, Fungi are Deadly: Pygmies now have a new food to eat – Mushrooms! A new plant power has been introduced to the island allowing players to grow their own mushrooms for Pygmy consumption. These aren’t any old mushrooms though, feeding one mushroom to a Pygmy will help them grow larger and stronger. Two mushrooms though, and you’re asking to get blown up. So what does this mean? Combination pizzas are out of the question.

• Challenge Smuck the Mushroom Dweller: As if blowing up Pygmies by feeding them massive amounts of mushrooms was going to be easy! A new rival god, Smuck the Mushroom Dweller, has stepped in and it’s up to you and your “friends” to defeat him. With his demise comes a cool new idol. What does this idol do though? We’re not sure, ask Smuck! No go ahead, you first, we don’t want to get near him.

• New “Deal of the Day” Helps Earn Facebook Credits: Pocket God on Facebook is now showcasing a “Deal of the Day,” where players can order real-world goods and services for their life away from torturing Pygmies, and by doing so will earn Facebook Credits that can be used to purchase in-game items for Pocket God on Facebook. With Deal of the Day, you’ll be taken care of both off and on the island, talk about a win-win!

• 500,000 Deities Can’t Be Wrong: With so many gods out there, how do all those Pygmies keep them straight? Pocket God on Facebook has reached 500,000 players and the omnipotent beings at Frima will be celebrating soon enough, with plenty of in-game rewards and more in the works for players everywhere. Be on the lookout!

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