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Manage Your Google Plus From HootSuite

HootSuite [1]Way back in November of 2011, HootSuite [1] was named one of six 3rd party official launch partners for Google+ Pages, integrating Google+ Page functionality with HootSuite’s advanced collaboration, measurement, engagement and security tool-set. However, Google had set a limit on how many users were able to actually use HootSuite for Google+ [2]. That limit has now been lifted, and the Google+ functionality is available to all HootSuite users.

The integration of Google+ Pages allows brands to use HootSuite’s business-focused functionality for circle management, and publishing targeted messaging to circles.

With Google+ Pages in HootSuite Users Can:


Engage and Collaborate

Post Securely and Measure

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1 Comment To "Manage Your Google Plus From HootSuite"

#1 Comment By Tami Quiring (@VillageGamer) On Thursday July 19, 2012 @ 12:55 am

Manage Your @Google Plus From @HootSuite [4]