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Research Shows TVOKids Resources Help Kids Develop Key Literacy Skills

tvo kids [1]New research from a joint TVO [2] and OISE [3] literacy pilot program, Literacy Fun for Families [4] (PDF), showed that a test group of children who used TVOKids.com [5] resources made “significantly greater gains” in key areas of early reading, writing and phonological awareness when compared to a control group who did not use the TVOKids materials.
Dr. Janette Pelletier [6], Director of the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study at OISE collaborated with TVO to develop Literacy Fun for Families, a literacy-based curriculum for families using both TVOKids resources and curriculum from an ongoing literacy program run by Dr. Pelletier.

The six-week literacy camp consisted of six sessions where parents learned about early literacy development while their children participated in literacy-related activities. The children watched educational programs from TVOKids early learning program block, Gisèle’s Big Backyard and participated in the corresponding online activities on TVOKids.com. The sessions covered essential components of family literacy:

Seventy-two children along with their families speaking more than a dozen languages participated in the literacy camps.

Key findings from the report include:

This research is part of TVO and OISE’s ongoing partnership which began in 2005, with the shared goal of developing and testing the effectiveness of educational resources for kids. The 2005 study showed that children whose families used TVO resources related to alphabet knowledge had significantly greater literacy growth, particularly in the area of alphabet knowledge and conventions of print than kids who did not. The next research project begins in 2012 and will focus on working memory which is closely related to children’s performance in reading, writing and mathematics and to their self-regulation – if working memory is improved, so too is the potential to learn.


This research reflects TVO’s strong commitment to helping kids prepare for school and arrive ready to learn. TVO’s educational resources for kids are available on air and online at TVOKids.com [5]. TVO has developed an Educational Blueprint process which ensures that every piece of TVOKids content addresses a learning outcome from the Ontario school curriculum, is tested in classrooms with students and teachers and is developed in conjunction with our on-staff educator.

For parents, TVOParents.com [7] offers valuable resources for those who want to help nurture their child’s learning. Fully integrated with TVOKids.com, TVOParents.com shows you how every TVOKids program or game addresses the Ontario school curriculum.