Sun News Shines with Cogeco Cable
Sun News has announced that Cogeco Cable will begin offering Sun News as part of its popular Ontario Digital Select package starting on November 1, 2011. For the past six months, Cogeco customers have been able to watch Sun News via the old Sun TV signal that will no longer be in operation effective midnight on October 31, 2011. Sun News Network will be available on channels 195 (SD) and 705 (HD) for all Cogeco Cable customers in Ontario.
“This is great news and will help Sun News reach even more Canadians in a consistent place on the Cogeco dial,” said Luc Lavoie, Head of Development for Sun News. “Sun News is an alternative news voice and is finding an ever-growing market from coast to coast”.
“We’re very happy of this agreement,” said Ron Perrotta, Vice President, Marketing and Strategic Planning at Cogeco Cable. “We always strive to provide the most interesting and relevant offering on the market. This is why we wanted to continue to offer Sun News to our Ontario customers.”